Economic sustainability
Innovation, business, investment and talent are central to a sustainable economy, and we are proud of the contribution we make to ensure they thrive in Sydney, New South Wales and Australia. For years we have worked to assess and articulate the value of business events and we know that we create value, for the tourism sector and beyond.

Direct expenditure
We bring business to Sydney. In the FY23/24, the business events we secured delivered a direct expenditure of AUD$216 million for NSW; and data confirms that visitors we attract contribute an average direct spend greater than leisure-only visitors, at $852 per conference day.

We generate significant tourism benefits. From recent data, we know that the meetings we secure attract visitors who experience Sydney for the first time, and who would not otherwise have come to the city (75% and 100% respectively). We also know that these visitors stay on average 4.1 days beyond their business event, visit regional NSW (33%), and the vast majority leave intending to visit again (80%).

Beyond tourism
Beyond tourism, we know that global meetings drive and grow our knowledge economy. They attract world-class talent to experience our city . In addition, delegates agree conferences stimulate scientific advancement (97%) and industry innovation (93%) including new knowledge, ideas, technology, collaboration and practice; and they profile local expertise, research and industry strengths, which often leads to significant opportunities for international collaboration, research and funding.