05 Jun 2024

Diana Japan Incentive 2024

Case Studies
View of attendees at the Diana Japan Incentive 2024

Over 600 delegates and staff

Estimated Direct Expenditure $3,364,037

4 night / 5 Days event duration

Diana Co. Ltd Japan, headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, is a leading Japanese franchise specialising in body-shaping underwear and skincare products for women. Selected for Sydney’s unrivalled appeal as a bucket-list destination for delegates, Diana Japan’s top-performing employees were rewarded with an unforgettable corporate incentive trip to Sydney in February 2024, after an unfortunate postponement due to COVID19 travel restrictions.  

The trip, held over five days, included a mix of city and regional touring activities including a visit to the Blue Mountains and Port Stephens, along with touring experiences to Sydney’s icons and views at Sydney Opera House, Mrs. Macquarie's Chair and shopping at The Rocks. Restaurant dining highlights at Nick’s Seafood Restaurant Darling Harbour Cafe, Sky Phoenix, I’m Angus stakehouse, and Blackbird at Cockle Bay Wharf. The group stayed at Hotels, Shangri-La, the Sheraton Grand Sydney, Hilton Sydney and QT Bondi. The incentive came to a climatic close with a business session followed by a vibrant Award Ceremony at the ICC Sydney. 

We recently interviewed Mr Naoto Harano from Diana Japan about the recent Incentive trip to Sydney and here is what he had to say about the success for the group’s trip. 

sydney presentation at the Diana Japan Incentive 2024 event

Why did you select Sydney as the destination for Diana Japan’s Incentive Tour?

In February, Japan experiences cold winter weather, whereas February in Sydney is a warm and idyllic destination that enhances the motivation of participants. Additionally, Sydney's safety and charm make it an ideal city for hosting incentive events. 

dance performers on stage at the Diana Japan Incentive 2024

What advice would you give to corporate incentive planners looking to host an event in Sydney?

Sydney offers many appealing attractions that we believe to be desirable for incentives, and highly requested from participants. Ensure that you have meticulously planned your itinerary to include these attractions, and that you have a mix of diverse and appealing activities and experiences to enhance delegate satisfaction. 

Award presenter on stage at the Diana Japan Incentive 2024

What do you hope this incentive will achieve for Diana Japan representatives? How do you determine success?

This incentive trip was about promoting the expansion of Diana Japan’s franchise salons. Additionally, it involves revitalizing the entire franchise and increasing sales for the upcoming campaign. We are currently judging this to be a positive trend. 

hip hop dancers on stage at the Diana Japan Incentive 2024

What was one of the highlights of the Incentive?

There were many highlights, but we were thrilled that this event is being held outside of Japan for the first time in four years, coupled with Sydney’s consistent ranking as one of the top global destinations is paramount, and made for an overall successful incentive. 

What did you do that was new and different in Sydney that your delegates enjoyed?

The list is endless when it comes to mentioning the conveniently developed public transportation network, Sydney’s diverse culture, and historic landmarks that blend both a historical past and future-forward cityscape. 

The Diana Japan 2024 incentive trip to Sydney not only inspired participants, but honoured and rewarded sales excellence. Sydney’s unique combination of sparkling harbour icons, natural beauty and regional touring, along with luxury facilities and a variety of dining options made this a bucket-list incentive trip of a lifetime, whilst offering lasting benefits that support Diana Japan’s long-term expansion and business goals.